Foto: Johan Sandberg
Alicia Olleta
Die Spanierin erhielt ihre Ausbildung am Konservatorium von Madrid und an der Académie de Danse Classique Princesse Grace in Monaco. 1986 wurde sie an die Deutsche Oper am Rhein engagiert, wo sie in Solo-Rollen zu erleben war, u. a. in „Schwanensee“, „Coppélia“, „Giselle“, „Cinderella“, „La Fille mal gardée“ und mit Maurice Bejart, William Forsythe, Hans van Manen, Mats Ek, Heinz Spoerli und Youri Vamos zusammenarbeitete. Gastspiele führten sie an mehrere Theater in Deutschland, Österreich und Holland. Seit Herbst 2001 gehört sie zum Aalto Ballett Essen und tanzte als Solistin u. a. die Persephone („Orpheus“), Kitri („Don Quixote“), Katarina („Die Brüder Karamasow“), Karsawina („Diaghilew: Die Favoriten“), Gräfin Capulet („Romeo und Julia“), Marie („Der Nussknacker“), Stiefmutter („Cinderella“) und Bose Fee Carabosse („Dornröschen“). Von 2008 bis 2012 war sie als Ballettassistentin in Essen tätig und wirkt seit 2012/2013 als Ballettmeisterin.
Alicia Olleta, born in Spain, received her training at the Conservatory in Madrid and also at the Danse Classique Princesse Grace in Monaco. In 1986 she joined the German Opera on the Rhine where she performed numerous solo roles in “Swan Lake”, “Coppélia”, “Giselle”, “Cinderella”, and “La fille mal gardée”. Alicia has also worked with choreographers such as Maurice Béjart, William Forsythe, Hans van Manen, Mats Ek, Heinz Spoerli and Youri Vámos. Guest performances have taken her to various theatres in Germany, Austria and Holland. In autumn 2001 she joined the Aalto Ballet Essen as a soloist, and has since danced Persephone (“Orpheus”), Kitri (“Don Quixote”), Katarina (“The Brothers Karamazov”), Karsavina (Diaghilew: “The Favourites”), Countess Capulet (“Romeo and Juliet”), Marie (“The Nutcracker”), Stepmother (“Cinderella”) and Carabosse (“Sleeping Beauty”) etc.
From 2008 until 2012 Ms. Olleta was appointed the position of Ballet Assistant and in 2012/13 that of Ballet Mistress.
Alicia Olleta, born in Spain, received her training at the Conservatory in Madrid and also at the Danse Classique Princesse Grace in Monaco. In 1986 she joined the German Opera on the Rhine where she performed numerous solo roles in “Swan Lake”, “Coppélia”, “Giselle”, “Cinderella”, and “La fille mal gardée”. Alicia has also worked with choreographers such as Maurice Béjart, William Forsythe, Hans van Manen, Mats Ek, Heinz Spoerli and Youri Vámos. Guest performances have taken her to various theatres in Germany, Austria and Holland. In autumn 2001 she joined the Aalto Ballet Essen as a soloist, and has since danced Persephone (“Orpheus”), Kitri (“Don Quixote”), Katarina (“The Brothers Karamazov”), Karsavina (Diaghilew: “The Favourites”), Countess Capulet (“Romeo and Juliet”), Marie (“The Nutcracker”), Stepmother (“Cinderella”) and Carabosse (“Sleeping Beauty”) etc.
From 2008 until 2012 Ms. Olleta was appointed the position of Ballet Assistant and in 2012/13 that of Ballet Mistress.
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Aalto Ballett Essen
Aalto Ballett Essen
Aalto Ballett Essen
Aalto Ballett Essen
Aalto Ballett Essen
Aalto Ballett Essen