Foto: Johan Sandberg
Artem Sorochan
Tänzer (Solo)
Artem Sorochan stammt aus St. Petersburg und erhielt seine Ausbildung an der Waganowa-Ballettakademie, der renommierten Ballettschule des St. Petersburger Mariinski-Theaters und des Kirow-Balletts. Von 2011 bis 2015 tanzte er in der Compagnie des Stanislavsky und Nemirovich-Danchenko Musiktheaters in Moskau. Dort war er u. a. in Jiří Kyliáns „Sleepless“ und „Wings of Wax“, Vladimir Burmeisters „La Esmeralda“, Kenneth Macmillans „Manon“, Vasily Vainonens „Der Nussknacker“, Marius Petipas „Dornröschen“, Aleksander Radunskys „The Little Humpbacked Horse“ sowie in Konstantin Boyarskys „The Young Lady and the Hooligan“ zu erleben. In der Saison 2015/2016 kam er als Gruppentänzer mit solistischer Verpflichtung zur Aalto-Compagnie und wurde 2018/2019 zum Solotänzer mit Gruppenverpflichtung. Er interpretierte im u. a. Karl in „Der Nussknacker“, Espada in „Don Quichotte“ sowie Siegfried in „Schwanensee“. In den vergangenen Spielzeiten war er überdies in der Titelpartie von John Crankos „Onegin“ sowie solistisch in „Rock around Barock“ zu erleben. Seit März 2020 ist er Solotänzer.
Artem Sorochan was born in St. Petersburg and received his training at the Waganowa Academy of Ballet, the famous ballet school of Mariinski theatre and Kirow ballet, St. Petersburg. From 2011 to 2015 he was a member of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko theatre, Moscow. There he performed parts in Jiří Kylián‘s „Sleepless“ and „Wings of Wax“, Vladimir Burmeister‘s „La Esmeralda“, Kenneth Macmillan‘s „Manon“, Vasily Vainonen‘s „The Nutcracker“, Marius Petipa‘s „Sleeping Beauty“, Aleksander Radunsky‘s „The Little Humpbacked Horse“ and in Konstantin Boyarsky‘s „The Young Lady and the Hooligan“. In 2015 he joined the Aalto Ballett Essen as a group dancer with solo obligations and was promoted to soloist with group commitments in 2018/2019. He has performed roles such as Karl in „The Nutcracker“, Espada in „Don Quichotte“ as well as Siegfried in "Swan lake". In the last seasons he was Onegin in John Cranko’s famous ballet and a soloist in Ben Van Cauwenbergh’s „Rock around Barock“. From March 2020 onwards he has been a soloist.
Artem Sorochan was born in St. Petersburg and received his training at the Waganowa Academy of Ballet, the famous ballet school of Mariinski theatre and Kirow ballet, St. Petersburg. From 2011 to 2015 he was a member of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko theatre, Moscow. There he performed parts in Jiří Kylián‘s „Sleepless“ and „Wings of Wax“, Vladimir Burmeister‘s „La Esmeralda“, Kenneth Macmillan‘s „Manon“, Vasily Vainonen‘s „The Nutcracker“, Marius Petipa‘s „Sleeping Beauty“, Aleksander Radunsky‘s „The Little Humpbacked Horse“ and in Konstantin Boyarsky‘s „The Young Lady and the Hooligan“. In 2015 he joined the Aalto Ballett Essen as a group dancer with solo obligations and was promoted to soloist with group commitments in 2018/2019. He has performed roles such as Karl in „The Nutcracker“, Espada in „Don Quichotte“ as well as Siegfried in "Swan lake". In the last seasons he was Onegin in John Cranko’s famous ballet and a soloist in Ben Van Cauwenbergh’s „Rock around Barock“. From March 2020 onwards he has been a soloist.
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