Foto: Johan Sandberg
Davit Jeyranyan
Tänzer (Solo mit Gruppe)
Davit Jeyranyan stammt aus Jerewan (Armenien), wo er von 1995 bis 2004 am Institut für Choreografie seine Ausbildung absolvierte. Nachdem er am Internationalen Ballettwettbewerb Prix de Lausanne in der Schweiz teilgenommen hatte, wurde er in die Ballettschule der Wiener Staatsoper aufgenommen. 2005 kam er nach Deutschland, um an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Mannheim bei Prof. Vladimir Klos seine Ausbildung fortzusetzen. Seit 2006 wirkte er als Solotänzer in klassischen und zeitgenössischen Choreografien mit, u. a. bei der Kooperationsproduktion der Mannheimer Tanzakademie und des Staatstheaters Wiesbaden „Don Quixote“. Seit 2008/2009 war er zunächst als Gruppentänzer am Aalto Ballett Essen engagiert, seit 2009/2010 als Gruppentänzer mit Soloverpflichtung und seit 2011/2012 als Solotänzer mit Gruppenverpflichtung. Er interpretierte die Rolle des Gurn („La Sylphide“), Tirrenio („Undine“), Bécaud („La vie en rose“), Escamillo („Carmen/Boléro“), Moritz („Max und Moritz“), Bräutigam („Giselle“), Mercutio („Romeo und Julia“) und trat solistisch in „Tanzhommage an Queen“ und „Irish Soul“ auf. Im Rahmen von „PTAH III“ choreografierte er „My Body is a Cage“. In den letzten Spielzeiten war er in Essen u. a. als Hermann („Der Nussknacker“), Benno ("Schwanensee") und solistisch in "Moving Colours" zu erleben. 2018/2019 tanzte er hier Lenski („Onegin“), Basile („Don Quichotte für Kinder“) und solistisch in „Rock around Barock“ und als Charlie Chaplin in "Smile ".
Davit Jeyranyan was born in Yerevan, Armenia where he studied dance from 1995 until 2004 at the Institute for Choreography. After competing in the International Ballet Competition “Prix de Lausanne” in Switzerland, he was accepted into the Ballet School of the Vienna State Opera. In 2005 he came to Germany to continue his education and attended the University of Music and Performing Arts in Mannheim under the guidance of Prof. Vladimir Klos. Since 2006 he has worked as a soloist in classical and contemporary choreographies, including a cooperative production of “Don Quichotte” with the Mannheim Dance Academy and the State Theatre in Wiesbaden. In 2008/2009 he joined the Aalto Ballet Essen as a group dancer and was promoted to group dancer with solo commitments in 2010/2011. In season 2011/2012 he was promoted further to soloist with group obligations. He has interpreted the role of Gurn (“La Sylphide”), Tirrenio (“Undine”), Bécaud (“La vie en rose”), Escamillo (“Carmen/Boléro”), Moritz (“Max and Moritz”) and Bridegroom ("Giselle") as well as performing further solo roles in “Homage to Queen” and “Irish Soul”. In 2013/2014 he choreographed "My Body is a Cage“ ("PTAH III"). In the last seasons he could be seen as Herman ("The Nutcracker“), Benno ("Swan lake") and as solist in "Moving colours". 2018/2019 he danced Lenski („Onegin“), Basile („Don Quichotte für Kinder“) und as a soloist in „Rock around Barock“ and "Smile".
Davit Jeyranyan was born in Yerevan, Armenia where he studied dance from 1995 until 2004 at the Institute for Choreography. After competing in the International Ballet Competition “Prix de Lausanne” in Switzerland, he was accepted into the Ballet School of the Vienna State Opera. In 2005 he came to Germany to continue his education and attended the University of Music and Performing Arts in Mannheim under the guidance of Prof. Vladimir Klos. Since 2006 he has worked as a soloist in classical and contemporary choreographies, including a cooperative production of “Don Quichotte” with the Mannheim Dance Academy and the State Theatre in Wiesbaden. In 2008/2009 he joined the Aalto Ballet Essen as a group dancer and was promoted to group dancer with solo commitments in 2010/2011. In season 2011/2012 he was promoted further to soloist with group obligations. He has interpreted the role of Gurn (“La Sylphide”), Tirrenio (“Undine”), Bécaud (“La vie en rose”), Escamillo (“Carmen/Boléro”), Moritz (“Max and Moritz”) and Bridegroom ("Giselle") as well as performing further solo roles in “Homage to Queen” and “Irish Soul”. In 2013/2014 he choreographed "My Body is a Cage“ ("PTAH III"). In the last seasons he could be seen as Herman ("The Nutcracker“), Benno ("Swan lake") and as solist in "Moving colours". 2018/2019 he danced Lenski („Onegin“), Basile („Don Quichotte für Kinder“) und as a soloist in „Rock around Barock“ and "Smile".
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Aalto Ballett Essen
Aalto Ballett Essen