Foto: Johan Sandberg
Harry Simmons
Tänzer (Gruppe)
Harry Simmons begann 2009 seine tänzerische Ausbildung an der Elmhurst Ballet School und absolvierte dort 2016 sein Diplom „mit Auszeichnung“. Zugleich war er in verschiedenen Produktionen des Birmingham Royal Ballet zu erleben, so in Sir Peter Wrights „Schwanensee“ und „Der Nussknacker“ sowie 2016 in „Elite Syncopations“ von Kenneth MacMillan. Parallel dazu gastierte er als Solist am Midland Theatre Ballet und tanzte dort u. a. den blauen Vogel („Dornröschen“), Prinz („Cinderella“) und Lumière („Die Schöne und das Biest“). Seit 2016 ist er Mitglied der Essener Compagnie und wirkte hier u. a. in Ben Van Cauwenberghs „Don Quichotte“, „Der Nussknacker“, „Romeo und Julia“ und „Schwanensee“ mit. Zudem war er in Alexander Ekmans „Tyll“, John Crankos „Onegin“ und Stijn Celis „Cinderella“ zu sehen. 2018 gastierte er mit dem Ballett im Revier in Ludwigsburg und war dort in Bridget Breiners „Romeo und Julia“ erleben.
Harry Simmons began his dance training at Elmhurst Ballet School in 2009 and graduated "with distinction" in 2016. At the same time, he performed in various productions of the Birmingham Royal Ballet, such as Sir Peter Wright's "Swan Lake" and "The Nutcracker" and in 2016 in "Elite Syncopations" by Kenneth MacMillan. In parallel, he made a guest appearance as a soloist at Midland Theatre Ballet, where he danced the Blue Bird ("Sleeping Beauty"), Prince ("Cinderella") and Lumière ("Beauty and the Beast"), among others. Since 2016, he has been a member of the Essen Aalto Ballet Company, where he has appeared in Ben Van Cauwenbergh's "Don Quixote," "The Nutcracker," "Romeo and Juliet" and "Swan Lake," among others. He has also appeared in Alexander Ekman's "Tyll," John Cranko's "Onegin" and Stijn Celi's "Cinderella." In 2018, he made a guest appearance with the Ballett im Revier in Ludwigsburg, where he performed Bridget Breiner's "Romeo and Juliet".
Harry Simmons began his dance training at Elmhurst Ballet School in 2009 and graduated "with distinction" in 2016. At the same time, he performed in various productions of the Birmingham Royal Ballet, such as Sir Peter Wright's "Swan Lake" and "The Nutcracker" and in 2016 in "Elite Syncopations" by Kenneth MacMillan. In parallel, he made a guest appearance as a soloist at Midland Theatre Ballet, where he danced the Blue Bird ("Sleeping Beauty"), Prince ("Cinderella") and Lumière ("Beauty and the Beast"), among others. Since 2016, he has been a member of the Essen Aalto Ballet Company, where he has appeared in Ben Van Cauwenbergh's "Don Quixote," "The Nutcracker," "Romeo and Juliet" and "Swan Lake," among others. He has also appeared in Alexander Ekman's "Tyll," John Cranko's "Onegin" and Stijn Celi's "Cinderella." In 2018, he made a guest appearance with the Ballett im Revier in Ludwigsburg, where he performed Bridget Breiner's "Romeo and Juliet".