Foto: Johan Sandberg
Yanelis Rodriguez
Tänzerin (Solo)
Yanelis Rodriguez wuchs in Kuba auf, wo sie an der Alejo Carpentier Schule von 1996 bis 2001 und an der Nationalen Ballettschule von 2001 bis 2004 ihre Tanzausbildung erhielt. Sie gewann erste Preise beim 7. und 8. Internationalen Ballettwettbewerb in La Habana (2002/2004). Erste Engagements führten sie zum Kubanischen Nationalballett, dem Ballet de Camagüey und zu der Laura Alonso Compagnie. Dabei tanzte sie u. a. in Balletten wie „Silvia“, „Le Corsaire“, „Dornröschen“, „Schwanensee“, „Der Nussknacker“ und „La Esmeralda“. Von 2008 bis 2011 gehörte sie zum Aenon Dance Theatre in Griechenland, wo sie unter dem Direktor Daniel Lommel in Choreografien wie „Bhakti“ und „Electra“ mitwirkte. Darüber hinaus ging sie 2010 mit dem Makedonischen Nationalballett auf Tour (u. a. „Les Sylphides“) Seit 2012 ist sie zunächst als Gruppentänzerin mit Soloverpflichtung, seit 2013/2014 als Solotänzerin mit Gruppenverpflichtung am Aalto Ballett Essen engagiert und trat als Carmen („Carmen/Boléro“), Hermia („Ein Sommernachtstraum“), Giselle, Julia („Romeo und Julia“) sowie mit solistischen Parts in und „Tanzhommage an Queen“ auf. Seit der Spielzeit 2016/2017 ist sie hier Solotänzerin und gestaltete bislang Julia („Romeo und Julia“), die Titelfigur in „Carmen/Boléro“, Louise („Der Nussknacker“) und Kitri („Don Quichotte“), sowie im "Russischen Tanz" und "Pas de trois" ("Schwanensee"). Zudem arbeitete sie mit Choreografen wie Ohad Naharin, Alexander Ekman und Jiří Kylián zusammen. In den vergangenen Spielzeiten war sie hier u. a. als Olga in John Crankos „Onegin“ sowie solistisch in „Rock around Barock“ zu erleben.
Yanelis Rodriguez grew up in Cuba, where she received her dance training from 1996 until 2001 at the Alejo Carpentier School and continued her education from 2001 until 2004 at the National Ballet School. She competed in the 7th and 8th International Ballet Competition in Havana, winning the first prize (2002/2004). She received her first engagements at the Cuban National Ballet, Camagüey Ballet and Laura Alonso’s Company. During this time she has performed in ballets such as “Sylvia”, “Le Corsaire”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Don Quixote”, “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker” and “La Esmeralda”. From 2008 until 2011 she was engaged with the Aenon Dance Theatre in Greece under the direction of Daniel Lommel and performed in the choreographies “Bakthi” and “Electra”. In 2010 she toured with the Macedonian National Ballet (”Les Sylphides”, and as Kitri in “Don Quichotte”). In 2012 she joined the Aalto Ballet Theatre as a group dancer with solo obligations and was promoted to soloist with group commitments in 2013/2014. She performed the leading female roles in “Carmen/Bolero”, "A Midsummer Night′s Dream“ and "Giselle“, plus further solo roles in "Irish Soul” and "Homage to Queen”. From 2016/2017 onwards she has been a soloist, dancing parts like Juliet (“Romeo and Juliet”), Carmen in “Carmen/Boléro”, Louise (“The Nutcracker”) and Kitri (“Don Quichotte”) as well as in "Russian Dance" and "Pas de trois" ("Swan lake"). She also collaborated with Ohad Naharin, Alexander Ekman and Jiří Kylián In the last seasons, Yanelis played Olga in John Cranko’s „Onegin“ and was a soloist in „Rock around Barock“.
Yanelis Rodriguez grew up in Cuba, where she received her dance training from 1996 until 2001 at the Alejo Carpentier School and continued her education from 2001 until 2004 at the National Ballet School. She competed in the 7th and 8th International Ballet Competition in Havana, winning the first prize (2002/2004). She received her first engagements at the Cuban National Ballet, Camagüey Ballet and Laura Alonso’s Company. During this time she has performed in ballets such as “Sylvia”, “Le Corsaire”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Don Quixote”, “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker” and “La Esmeralda”. From 2008 until 2011 she was engaged with the Aenon Dance Theatre in Greece under the direction of Daniel Lommel and performed in the choreographies “Bakthi” and “Electra”. In 2010 she toured with the Macedonian National Ballet (”Les Sylphides”, and as Kitri in “Don Quichotte”). In 2012 she joined the Aalto Ballet Theatre as a group dancer with solo obligations and was promoted to soloist with group commitments in 2013/2014. She performed the leading female roles in “Carmen/Bolero”, "A Midsummer Night′s Dream“ and "Giselle“, plus further solo roles in "Irish Soul” and "Homage to Queen”. From 2016/2017 onwards she has been a soloist, dancing parts like Juliet (“Romeo and Juliet”), Carmen in “Carmen/Boléro”, Louise (“The Nutcracker”) and Kitri (“Don Quichotte”) as well as in "Russian Dance" and "Pas de trois" ("Swan lake"). She also collaborated with Ohad Naharin, Alexander Ekman and Jiří Kylián In the last seasons, Yanelis played Olga in John Cranko’s „Onegin“ and was a soloist in „Rock around Barock“.